Survival of the fittest is the key mantra in this universe. Fitness doesn't get confined to only the physical domain but is more important in the intellectual levels and of utmost importance in the spiritual domain. The battle of David and Goliath had a huge gap in strengths at physical level, but the spirit of David surmounted the physical strength of Goliath.
Each one of us face Goliath's in our day to day life. Avoidance, acceptance and many such words comfort us when we don't gather the courage to take on the Goliath.
A huge hall was being done up and the false roof was fixed. We were supposed to be working in that hall fall a month. Since the very first day a couple of pigeons used to enter the hall and reach a particular corner and try to bang against the roof tile with there beaks, as if try to push open. They used to take turns in an attempt to dislodge the roof tile. Though a disturbance in the office work, they amused us and surprised us by their sheer courage and determination. I think it was the third day, I saw the tile dislodged and they found a way inside the roof and we all heard the happy chirps in the roof.
At times we are also forced to take on the fight. Fight for our survival, fight for the honour and dignity, fight for a cause we believe in. Because if we don't fight, we don't survive. We are dead even before declared clinically. The enemy will always appear strong and powerful and the environment will add more weight and create a monster for you. But no monster has ever survived. The enemy could be your illness, your boss at work, your neighbour, could be a land mafia, a goon who disturbs you and the most important the one you create in your mind. Rest all can be neutralised, less the enemy in your mind, who will rob you of your sleep and mental peace. So never feed this enemy to make it too big to take on.
Each war has many battles. you may win some, you may loose some. But the ultimate winner is the one who wins the last battle. At times one may feel tired and fatigued after few battles and the mind may start playing games telling you “its enough now, you cant “, “ don't get too emotionally attached” and things like that. Hang on, if you want to win. If you are tired, so is your enemy. It is the time when the inner energy shows up in terms determination, resolve and commitment. Try, try, try and you will succeed. The fight is your own. You are fighting it for yourself. Never loose focus.
The opponent may be stronger than you physically, but the mental and spiritual strength needs no space. An ant can have more courage than an elephant. Strengthen yourself in all the three domains and don't get overawed by the opponent’s physical strength. The moment you raise the inner strength level, you have won your first battle. Its then the minor losses wont hurt you and will remain cool and undisturbed when you are required to act decisively.
Lastly, its your battle so you be the one who decides the last battle.
Good Luck